Thursday, December 13, 2007
Some of you may have noticed a new widget at the top of the "Recent Posts" column on the front page. Since this is the holiday season and all, I thought I would try to get a charity drive running, with donations going to the United Way.
My target is $1,000 dollars. Since the site statistics say I get about 500 unique visitors a month, that's only two dollars a person. (If you can't see the widget, the donation page is here.)
Now, CrimeSpot is and always will be free, and there's no obligation to donate anything. If you prefer just to read the posts, I promise not to try guilting you into donating. You heartless monster.
I've already kicked in a starter donation (and left an inspirational comment). I'll also contribute $5 for each of the first ten people who mention this on their website and provide a link to the donation page. The address is:
Thank you for your support.
posted by Graham Powell at 10:06 AM