Saturday, January 21, 2006
Well it seems that certain impatient people couldn't wait until the official CrimeSpot launch, so they've gone ahead and spilled the beans. And I'm OK with that! As it happens I've just spent the last seven hours wrapping up most of the programming (although the Calendar page is still MIA), so CrimeSpot is unofficially open for business.
So you should ask yourself these questions:
1) Do I have a mystery-related blog? 2) Does my blog support RSS or Atom syndication?* 3) Do I want to be cool?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, drop me a line at and let me know. I promise never to spam you or sell your address**, trust me.
UPDATE: Please ignore some of the site descriptions, they were just supposed to be dummies until I could put in the real ones.
* Blogger=yes, Typepad=yes, JournalScape=yes, Wordpress=yes, Xanga=yes. Otherwise I'll have to check.
** Unless I get a REEEEALLY good offer.
posted by Graham Powell at 5:53 PM