Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The calendar page is now working, and I've populated it with a few events, mostly so you can see what it looks like. I didn't realize until I'd put them in that the location wouldn't show up unless you clicked the event, so I'll have to go back and put a dateline at the front of each description. No rest for the weary, and all that.
If you've got an event leave me a message at the usual number and I'll make sure to post it. After all, we can't let Neil, Sean, and Lee get all the attention.
The Current Wait Time Is: 36 Hours. I'm running a little behind on the email right now, so if you've sent me a message I'll get back to you soon. Promise! And yes, I know it's a bit strange to post this right after asking for more email. We Appreciate Your Patience.
posted by Graham Powell at 7:57 PM